Mad Composer Lab

•Madame Theremin•

Excerpts of Madame Theremin at Snapshot a West Edge Opera production

in collaboration with Earplay.

March 2, 2024, 7pm Berkley • March 3, 2024 3pm San Francisco

Kennedy Verrett, composer • George Kopp, librettist

Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers), artist

No Joke Wins “Best Score”

After his professional clown father dies at a children's party and the death video goes viral, a young man contemplates revenge on the birthday boy who uploaded it.

I’m excited to share that No Joke won “Best Score” at Blastoff Film Festival. This was one of my favorite scoring experiences for which I am grateful.

Gratitude to Writer and Director Claire Wasmund, Can and Pep Productions, LongLost Pictures, and the entire cast and crew of No Joke.


The Burden

When culture vultures apply for citizenship on a new planet founded by Black people three judges must decide how to handle folks who want everything but the burden.

The Burden has officially been accepted to urban world film festival 2023.

Gratitude and Congrats to the Writer and Director Tish Arana and the entire Cast and Crew.



Operation Soundcheck

Wahkeena Falls


In Motion.jpeg


The Listening Experience

Listening is a critical part of existing. The act of listening is different from hearing. Since much of our music experience requires our ears, it’s also proven that sound waves affect the whole body and are received through multiple senses. Did you know that you can even taste the differences in sound?

In the works is a program, I developed called Sound Sense.

Sound Sense is a multi-sensory program designed to illustrate the Science of Sound and Music.  Many of the sounds we receive from the natural world can inform us of many things such as time of day, change in weather, danger, or soothe us. We can even determine the health of the environment. Interactive experiments using sound waves, light, scent, and taste make it an epic journey of Dadirri, Deep Listening, Ecoacoustics, Psycoacoustics. Kids and adults ‘be geeked’ about Sound Sense.


Experiment 101

  1. Watch the video below. Keep the audio muted.

  2. What sounds do you think the colors are representing?

  3. Watch the video again, this time with the sound on. Volume can be adjusted by moving your mouse to the bottom right corner of the video window.

  4. Now, what are you thoughts?

The only way you know you’re being listened to, is by the response.
— George Lewis